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AnalogLamb’s Version of ESP32-S3 Offers a 2MP Camera, a Mic, and two LCDs

Reporting from Shanghai, China
Apr 29, 2022

The Maple Eye ESP32-S3 is a small-sized AI development board based on Espressif's ESP32-S3 and ESP-WHO.

AnalogLamb is an online shop established in 2016, specializing in open-source hardware and innovation electronics. AnalogLamb’s Maple Eye ESP32-S3 is a Wi-Fi-and-Bluetooth AI dev board based on Espressif’s ESP32-S3 dual-core Xtensa LX7 microcontroller and ESP-WHO, Espressif’s AI development framework.

ESP32-S3 is capable of running at 240 MHz. Apart from its 512 KB of internal SRAM, it also comes with integrated 2.4 GHz, 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 5 (LE) connectivity that provides long-range support. It has 45 programmable GPIOs and supports a rich set of peripherals. ESP32-S3 supports larger, high-speed octal SPI flash, and PSRAM with configurable data and instruction cache.

ESP-WHO is Espressif’s face detection and recognition development framework designed for AIoT applications. You can use it with Espressif’s own ESP-EYE development board, the Amazon FreeRTOS-qualified ESP-WROVER-KIT or other ESP32-based development boards. Then, by adding only a few peripherals, such as cameras and screens, you can easily create complete AIoT solutions, which explains how the Maple Eye ESP32-S3 came about.

Maple Eye ESP32-S3, then, features a 2-Megapixel camera, two LCDs, and a microphone, which are used for image recognition and audio processing. Maple Eye ESP32-S3 (pictured below) offers plenty of storage with an 8 MB Octal PSRAM and an 8 MB flash. It also supports image transmission over Wi-Fi, and debugging through a micro-USB port.

Maple Eye ESP32-S3

Maple Eye ESP32-S3 Specifications

    • Compatible with Espressif’s ESP32-S3-EYE
    • Wireless module: ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 module with ESP32-S3 dual-core Xtensa LX7 processor at up to 240 MHz integrating vector instructions for AI acceleration, 512 KB SRAM, 8MB PSRAM & 8MB Octal SPI Flash
    • Storage: MicroSD card interface
    • Displays: 2 x 1.3-inch TFT LCDs selectable by switch
    • Camera: 2MP OV2640
    • Audio: Digital microphone for VAD (voice activity detection) & ASR (automatic speech recognition)
    • USB: 1 x micro USB for power and debugging
    • Sensor: 3-axis accelerometer
    • Misc.: 4 x buttons
    • Power Supply: 5V via micro USB port, or battery connector and charger IC.

ESP32-S3-Eye Block Diagram

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