ESP-Prog Reference Design


ESP8266 FOTA Demonstration with Phone App

This guide demonstrates the FOTA (Firmware-Over-The-Air) function for ESP8266-based devices. In particular, the guide outlines the process of upgrading ESP8266 firmware from Espressif Cloud over Wi-Fi by using our Android app. This process requires no technical skills and does not involve a PC or UART based tools. Therefore this process can be carried out by any user, including end users of ESP8266 based products. The FOTA test has been demonstrated and run on the ESP-Launcher, an ESP8266 evaluation board designed by Espressif.


ESP8266 FOTA Demonstration

Espressif provides guidelines and a sample implementation of FOTA (Firmware Over-The-Air) function to upgrade the firmware on devices powered by the ESP8266. ESP8266 device will download a new version of firmware from the update server over Wi-Fi and run it. This guide is intended to help you run a FOTA demonstration on the ESP8266 easily and quickly, with a PC acting as the local update server. The FOTA test has been demonstrated and run on the ESP-Launcher, an ESP8266 evaluation board designed by Espressif.



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