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Announcing the Availability of Pre-provisioned ESP32-C3, ESP32-S2 and ESP32-S3 Modules

Shanghai, China
Nov 24, 2021

Espressif’s pre-provisioning service greatly simplifies manufacturing complexity and security management.

Espressif Systems (SSE: 688018.SH) is pleased to announce the availability of pre-provisioning for the ESP32-C3, ESP32-S2 and ESP32-S3 series of modules. With this service, customers can receive modules securely provisioned with unique device certificates, and then use these modules with IoT cloud services, such as AWS IoT Core, Google IoT Core, and Microsoft Azure IoT Hub. This way, Espressif’s pre-provisioning service greatly simplifies  manufacturing complexity and security management.

At the heart of this service is Espressif’s innovative, digital-signature peripheral that is part of the ESP32-C3, ESP32-S2 and ESP32-S3 series of system-on-chip (SoC). The above-mentioned peripheral produces hardware-accelerated digital signatures without the private key being accessible to the software during the process. This allows the private key to be kept secure on the device and be protected against identity theft at all times. More information about the digital-signature peripheral can be found in this blogpost.

Espressif’s flexible and secure manufacturing process enables customers to use provisioning either with a Certificate Authority (CA) or without one. In the case of provisioning with a Certificate Authority, Espressif provides the pre-provisioned modules with their unique device certificates, which can be registered with the IoT cloud service directly when using services such as the AWS Multi-Account Registration. In the case of provisioning without a Certificate Authority, customers can provide a self-signed certificate by using the secure hardware authenticators and signing devices (such as Yubikey). This type of CA, then, can also be used on the Cloud for the purpose of facilitating device registration with validly signed certificates. In both of the aforementioned provisioning processes, the private key is generated in the device itself at the time of manufacturing, and it never leaves the device, which results in strong and simplified security management.

Of course Espressif’s complete IoT Solution, ESP RainMaker®, is compatible with the pre-provisioned modules, thus enabling ESP RainMaker customers to experience a totally hassle-free and secure device registration process.

If you are interested in using Espressif’s pre-provisioning service or would like to know more about it, please contact our customer support team now.  Espressif is known for its thorough customer support that covers all the way from design to certification and manufacturing. By choosing our products and services, you get to concentrate on your design, and bring your product to life quickly, efficiently and securely. More information about Espressif’s customer support can be found here.

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