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Espressif Sponsored the IoT Mini-Conf at PyCon AU 2018

Shanghai, China
Aug 31, 2018

The 2018 PyCon AU took place at the end of August and, of course, Espressif could not but be there.

PyCon Australia (“PyCon AU”) is the national conference for the Python Programming Community, bringing together professionals, students and developers with a love for developing with Python. By organizing presentations, tutorials and panel sessions, PyCon Australia informs Python developers about the latest news, libraries and frameworks in the Python community. The event takes place every year, yet the host city changes every two years. In 2018 the PyCon AU was organized in Sydney on August 24th-28th.

PyCon AU logo

PyCon AU logo

Apart from the “Main Track” of the conference, featuring a variety of speakers who shared their experience and knowledge with the PyCon audience, there were also “Development Sprints” and “Specialist Tracks”. Development Sprints provided an unstructured opportunity for contributors to work in real time on their projects, or for people to hack about various things with developers who are experts in their fields. “Specialist Tracks”, on the other hand, were held on the first day of the conference. 

These tracks, also known as “mini-confs”, were curated by smaller specialist groups within the Python community, and allowed for more in-depth talks on the subject. This is where Espressif came in, as it sponsored the Internet of Things Specialist Track. 

The Internet of Things (IoT) mini-conf was a day devoted to presentations and demonstrations of how Python powers IoT devices, applications and services. The presentations included:

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